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The Scriptural Rosary

1. When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome brought perfumed oil with which to anoint Jesus.  Suddenly there was a mighty earthquake as the angel of the Lord descended from heaven.  He came to the stone, rolled it back and sat on it.  In appearance he resembled a flash of lightning while his garments were as dazzling as snow.                                                                Matt. 28:1-3

2.  The angel addressed the women: “Do not be frightened.  I know you are looking for Jesus the crucified, but he is not here.  He has been raised, exactly as he promised.  Come and see the place where he was laid.  Then go quickly and tell the disciples:  ‘He has been raised from the dead and now goes ahead of you to Galilee, where you will see him.’ That is the message I have for you.”

                                                                                                                   Matthew 28:5-7

3. They hurried away from the tomb half-overjoyed, half-fearful, and ran to carry the good news to his disciples.  Suddenly, Jesus stood before them and said, “Peace!”   The women came up and did him homage.  Jesus said:  Do not be afraid!  Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there they will see me.”                                                                      Matthew 28:8-10

4. On their return from the tomb, they told all things to the Eleven, but they refused to believe.                                                                
 Luke 24:10-11

5. As two of them were walking along their way to the country, Jesus was revealed to them. They retraced their steps to announce the good news to the others, but they put no faith in them.                                       Mark 16:12-13


6.   Finally, as they were at table, Jesus was revealed to the Eleven.  He took them to task for their disbelief and stubbornness in not believing those who had seen him after he was raised.                                Mark 16:14                                                   
7. In their fright they thought they were seeing a ghost.  Jesus said, “See my hands and my feet:  it is really I. Touch me, and see a ghost doesn’t have flesh as I do.”  He asked, “Do you have anything to eat?” They gave him cooked fish and he ate it.                                                             Luke  24:37-42

8.“Blest are they who have not seen and yet believe.”                    John 20:29

9.  Jesus said “Thus it is written that the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.  In his name penance for the remission of sin is to be preached to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

                                       Luke 24:46-47

 10.“I was dead but now I live forevermore; and I have the keys of death and of hell.”                                                                                            Revelation 1:18


1. Jesus took them out as far as the outskirts of Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them.                                                                    Luke 24:50

2. Jesus said, “Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth; go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations.”
                                                                                                              Matthew 28:18-19  3. “Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”                                                                                            Matthew 28:19

4.“Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.”                                                                                                        Matthew 28:20  
5. “The man who believes and accepts baptism will be saved; the man who refuses to believe will be condemned.”                                           Mark 16:16

6. He charged them not to leave Jerusalem, “Wait, rather, for the fulfillment of my Father’s promise, of which you have heard me speak.  John baptized with water, but within a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”                                                                                Acts 1:4-5

7. “And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world.”                                                                                                             Matthew 28:20

8.  Jesus was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight.           Acts 1:9

9. “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God!”                                                                                                         John 20:17    10. And so the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven:  there at the right hand of God he took his place.                                                       Mark 16:19


1. Then they returned to Jerusalem and went to the upper room where they were staying:  Peter and John and James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alpheus; Simon, the Zealot party member, and Judas son of James.  All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.                                         Acts 1:12-14

2. When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind and it filled the house where they were sitting.                       Acts 2:1,2


3. There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.  They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.                                                                                                                       Acts 2:3-4

4. Dwelling in Jerusalem were devout Jews from every nation under heaven.  Each heard them speaking in his own tongue about the marvels God had accomplished.                                                                 Acts 2:5,6,11



5. Peter stood up with the Eleven, and addressed them in a loud voice: “Let the whole house of Israel know beyond any doubt that God has made both Lord and Messiah this Jesus whom you crucified.”

                                                                                                        Acts 2:14,36

6. “Exalted at God’s right hand, he first received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father, then poured this Spirit out on us. This is what you see and hear.”                                                                                                               Acts 2:33

7. “You must reform and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, that your sins may be forgiven; then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”                                                                                               
Acts 2:38

8. They accepted what he said and were baptized; some three thousand were added that day.                                                                           
Acts 2:41

9. The community of believers were of one heart and one mind.  Through the hands of the apostles, many signs and wonders occurred among the people. More and more believers, men and women in great numbers were continually added to the Lord.                                               Acts 4:32, 5:12,14

 10. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful:  and enkindle in them the fire of your love.                                                        Pentecost Alleluia

1.God’s temple in heaven opened and, in the temple, could be seen the ark of the covenant.  There were flashes of lightning and peals of thunder.                                                                                       Revelation 11:19
2. A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet.                                                             Revelation 12:1
3. The woman gave birth to a son—destined to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod.                                                                          Revelation 12:5

 4. As the most glorious Mother of Christ, our God and Savior, giver of life and immortality, she is enlivened by him to share an eternal incorruptibility of body with him who raised her from the tomb and took her up to himself in a way he alone can tell.                      Munificentissimus Deus

5. May you be blessed, my daughter, by God Most High, beyond all the women on earth.                                                                              Judith 13:18

6. The trust you have shown shall not pass from the memories of men, but shall ever remind them of the power of God.                           Judith 13:20


7. This daughter of Jerusalem is lovely and beautiful as she ascends to heaven like the rising sun at daybreak.                             Lauds for the Assumption

8. The Virgin Mary was taken up to the heavenly bridal chamber where the King of kings is seated on a starry throne.                Vespers for the Assumption

9. You are the glory of Jerusalem!  You are the great pride of Israel!  You are the highest honor of our people!                                                Judith 15:9

10. The august Mother of God, mysteriously united from all eternity with Jesus Christ in one and the same decree of predestination, immaculate in her conception, a virgin inviolate in her divine motherhood, the whole-hearted companion of the divine Redeemer who won complete victory over sin and its consequences, gained at last the supreme crown of her privileges—to be preserved immune from the corruption of the tomb, and, like her Son, when death had been conquered, to be carried up body and soul to the exalted glory of heaven, there to sit in splendor at the right hand of her Son the immortal King of the ages.                Munificentissimus Deus

1.  The queen takes her place at your right hand in gold of Ophir.                                                                                                                 Psalm 45:10      2. Her raiment is threaded with spun gold.  In embroidered apparel she is borne in to the king; behind her the virgins of her train are brought to you.                                                                                               Psalm 45:14-15

3.  …and on her head a crown of twelve stars.                           Revelation 12:1

4. She has been given a dress to wear made of finest linen, brilliant white.  The linen dress is the virtuous deeds of Gods ’saints.               
Revelation 19:8  

5. “Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you.”                                                                                       Matthew 25:34



6. “I will give thee the crown of life.”                                          Revelation 2:10

 7. “Father, I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me that they may behold my glory.”                                    John 17:24

8.  ‘And now, my children, listen to me; listen to instruction and learn to be wise.                                                                                       Proverbs 8:32-33 

9. ‘For those who find me find life, and win favor from the Lord.’                                                                                                                     
Proverbs 8:35
10. Hail, Queen of mercy, protect us from the enemy, and receive us at the hour of death.                                                         Queenship of Mary, Gradual